Miles Above Inc. welcomes all prominent vendors and service providers into our supplier network to elevate the Membership experience to those at Miles Above Inc.


To work with Miles Above Inc.’s Clients/Members and team members, we kindly request you to review and abide by our Third Party/ Supplier Code of Conduct and Agreement as herewith:

1.      As a Miles Above Inc. Third Party supplier, you warrant that you will comply with any applicable data protection, privacy or similar laws, including but not limited to, the California Consumer Privacy Act “CCPA” (2018), and the General Data Protection Regulation “GDPR” (2018) that apply in relation to any personal data in connection with this Agreement (hereafter, “Protected Data”). In particular, you shall obtain all necessary consents to the processing of personal data so far as may be necessary for the purposes of this Agreement, comprising without limitation the release of such Protected Data to Miles Above Inc. or any third parties with whom you might share personal data for the purposes of providing goods and/or services. You further agree that you will neither retain nor sell Protected Data, and that you will process and secure Protected Data with the highest standard of care. Third Party Supplier will indemnify, defend, and hold Miles Above Inc. harmless against all claims. No slander to Miles Above Inc. as a company, its team members, and its Clients/Members.

2.     All goods and/or services for Miles Above Inc. Members and staff will be performed in a professional and work(wo)man like manner, and in harmony with the instructions specified at the time of agreement. If you are unable to provide the services in the timeframe or manner requested, you will inform Miles Above Inc. as soon as possible, and no later than two (2) business days after services are requested if no direct timeframe is provided upon booking.

3.     You, and your staff, further agree to austere non-disparagement of Miles Above Inc. our Members, our staff, and/or our partner brands, whether written or oral.

4.    You are responsible for the security of any card holder data (Credit or Debit) that Miles Above Inc. provides to you, or if a Client/Member sends their bank information. This is by any means (orally, electronically, offline, or via paper-based records). In accordance with PCI guidelines, Miles Above Inc., will ensure to monitor your compliance. Miles Above Inc. reserves the right to terminate any Agreement for services with immediate effect should your security procedures not meet acceptable standards. Third Party Supplier will indemnify, defend, and hold Miles Above Inc. harmless against all claims.

5.     It is deliberately decided that Miles Above Inc. shall have no liability in respect of the provision of goods and/or services. You agree to assure Miles Above Inc. against any claims made by any person or entity against Miles Above Inc.  in respect of any loss or damage caused directly or indirectly by the delivery of any goods and/or services.

6.    Any Terms & Conditions of booking will be provided to Miles Above Inc. prior to engagement, or they will have no effect. Precisely, any cancellation, refund, or scheduling terms must be clearly stated at the outset of the engagement.

7.    You approve to maintain up-to-date General Liability insurance in a specific amount for inherently dangerous activities, including but not limited to: automotive transport, nautical excursions or boat charters, helicopter charters, aviation charters, extreme sports, or activities involving firearms of any kind.

8.    In consideration for the introduction to Miles Above Inc.’s Members and clientele, you agree to pay a Service or Commission fee in US Dollars. You shall pay each invoice no later than the thirtieth of each month, following the Miles Above’s Client’s payment, or completion of the event. Any payments made past 45 days of due date will result in a 2% additional late fee (of total amount due) will be added to an invoice, per week. Time is of the essence for all payments required under this Conduct/Agreement, and untimely payment shall constitute grounds for Miles Above to terminate this Conduct/Agreement upon providing written notice of untimely payment.

9.    As a Supplier of Miles Above Inc., you and/or your group of companies and/or affiliates of any nature shall not, in any manner, solicit and/or accept any business from sources that have been made available to them by and through Miles Above, including but not limited to Members/Clients other Miles Above Clients, partner brands, or other Miles Above suppliers. You likewise shall not in any manner access, contact, solicit and/or bear any transaction with said sources, otherwise than exclusively for the provision without Miles Above Inc.’s prior written consent.